OUR STORY | 我們的故事

Westwood Alliance Church was founded in 1994. We started with a dozen people meeting at a home for bible study. Today we have more than 700 people gathering and serving God every Sunday. We emerged from a mono-cultural Cantonese-speaking congregation to an intercultural church with congregations using Cantonese, English, and Mandarin languages. Our people are multi-generational, multi-ethnic, and multi-cultural and at the same time being united in knowing God and making Him known. Please join us in celebrating life, exploring faith, and experiencing God’s promise to live an abundant life. May God bless you!

高貴林宣道會於1994年成立。由十多人的家庭聚會直至今天,每主日有超過 700人在這裡敬拜事奉。由單一文化以粵語為主的教會,發展成為以粵語、英語及國語組成的不同聚會。會眾中有不同年齡階層、不同族裔、不同文化背景的信徒。我們誠意歡迎並邀請你參與我們的行列,一同探索人生,追尋信仰,叫生命活得豐盛姿彩。願主賜福與你。