WAC Hoodie Orders | WAC 連帽衫訂購
Order Deadline: July 29th | 訂單截止日期:7月29日

Order Form | 訂購表: https://forms.gle/n33t2ZZcpDc1aqwg6

Congratulations to Rebecca So, the winning designer for the 30th anniversary hoodie design contest.  This is what the hoodie will look like on the back.  The front will feature our church logo.  The hoodie, which costs $40 can be ordered online on our webpage starting today until July 29th with e-transfer payment.  Orders can be made in person in the lobby on July 14 (July 13 for Saturday Service) and July 21th for Maple Ridge Good News Church. Sample sizes will be available during those times. In addition, orders can also be made with the church office. The estimated delivery date will be Aug 25 at which time we will also be selling a commemorative water bottle that does not need to be pre-ordered.

恭喜Rebecca So成為三十週年連帽衫設計比賽的獲獎設計師。這是連帽衫背面的樣子。前面將印有我們教會的標誌。連帽衫售價為$40,您可以從今天起到7月29日通過我們的網頁在線訂購並使用電子轉賬支付。您也可以在7月14日教會的大堂親自訂購 (週六崇拜為7月13日,楓樹嶺福音為7月21日)  。屆時將提供樣品尺碼。此外,也可以通過教會辦公室進行訂購。


30th Anniversary Booklet | 周年記念册

We sincerely invite you to share your stories and memories at WAC in our commemorative booklet as part of our 30th-anniversary celebration. Your experiences are a valuable asset to Westwood Alliance Church. 

Topics or examples for sharing:

  • Unforgettable moments at WAC 
  • Church life during the pandemic
  • Experiences of newcomers

Please use this link: submit your written article or email your document in any language to anniversary@westwoodac.org  The booklet will be shared with all in digital form. Those who would like to keep a hardcopy can order one for a nominal cost. Order information will be released later.

The deadline for submissions is August 31.  




  •     令人難忘的時刻
  •     疫情期間的教會生活
  •     新來者的體驗

請使用此連結提交您的書面文章,或將您的文件以任何語言發送至 anniversary@westwoodac.org。紀念冊將以電子形式與大家分享。想要保留紙本的人可以象徵性的價格訂購一本。訂購信息將在稍後發布。


Fun Day (August 17) | 同樂日(8 月 17 日)|

Time: 9am-12pm
Where: Percy Perry Stadium
Program to be announced.  

地點:Percy Perry Stadium

Joint Worship | 聯合崇拜

When: Sept 22.  
Details to be announced.


WAC 30th Anniversary Banquet / WAC 30 週年慶典晚宴

WAC 30th Anniversary Banquet

Date: November 2, 2024
Location: Riverside Community Church
Please check back for ticket sales and more information.

地點:Riverside Community Church

Questions? | 問題?

Email us at | 給我們發電子郵件:anniversary@westwoodac.org